The United Methodist Church of Bay Shore - Donations


Bay Shore UMC gratefully accepts offerings from members and non-members alike.

We have provided this online giving option as a convenient way to allow individuals to support Bay Shore United Methodist Church. We use PayPal to allow visitors to give as they are moved. Your online donation can be a one time or recurring monthly offering.

One-time Offering

  1. When you click on the "Donate" button you will be sent to our secure Paypal page, where you can use your credit card or PayPal account to make your donation. *Note: You do not need to be a Paypal member to give using a credit card, however signing up for PayPal allows you to give using your checking account. Enter an amount, then select "Pay with PayPal" or "Pay with credit card."

  2. During the payment process you may direct your donation by leaving instructions on the line labeled "Add special instructions to BSUMC." If you don’t enter anything there, the donation will be placed in the current expense general operating fund where it can fund the greatest need.

  3. Finally, when prompted confirm you want to donate now. A printable reciept will appear on the screen and a copy of of the receipt will be sent to the email account you provided.

Recurring Offerings

If you wish, you may subscribe and make recurring donations, giving a specified amount each month. You must sign up for a PayPal account to make recurring donations, but this can be done as part of making your first online offering.

  1. Donations will be taken from your PayPal account, using the debit card, credit card, or bank account you specify, and will continue monthly until you cancel the payment.

  2. To begin a recurring donation, click the DONATE button, specify the amount you wish to donate monthly, check the option box "make this a monthly donation", then proceed with payment information.

  3. If you are just signing up for PayPal, your first donation must be with a credit or debit card. Once your PayPal account is established you can add a bank account and use it for future donations.

  4. To cancel a recurring offering, log into your PayPal account and cancel the appropriate payment.