The United Methodist Church of Bay Shore - Latest News


Please take a moment to read about some of the many ways God is moving at Bay Shore UMC.

2013 Church Committees and Members - Part 1

February, 2013

Chairperson: Lois Fallon, Vice Chair: Bill Suda, Secretary: Tom Wilson, Treasurer: Bill Harbert
Annual Conference Lay Members: Christine Hoff & Millie Kresse, Lay Leader: Christine Hoff
Board of Trustees Chair: Chester Hazel, Board of Trustees Representative: Louis Bernard
Finance Chair: Catherine Bernard, Finance Representative: Sam Owusu
Staff-Parish Relations Chair: Marvin Allen, Staff-Parish Relations Rep:
Outreach Chair: Eileen DiGiovanna, Co-Chair: Kim Gosline
Nurture Chair: Diane Timmoney, Co-Chair: Edward Shirley
Witness Chair: Dorene Gonzalez, Co-Chair: Vida Owusu
Youth Chair: Susan Yost, Co-Chair: Barbara Van Nostrand

MEMBERS AT LARGE: Jeannie Aromi, Alice Cavalla, Donna Lechner, Gilbert Rivera, Don Timmoney, Helen Wilson

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 2013 Louis Bernard, Edward Shirley, Helen Wilson
                                        2014 Greg Goodrich, Chester Hazel, Deirdrea Renwick
                                        2015 Dale Dowd, Jean Finfrock, Sam Owusu

Submitted by Lois Fallon, Church Council Chair