The United Methodist Church of Bay Shore - Latest News


Please take a moment to read about some of the many ways God is moving at Bay Shore UMC.

Annual Conference Report

September, 2013

In early June I traveled to Hofstra University for a four day conference of the New York Annual Conference. This is about the 12th time that I have represented our church. While many things remain the same, a few things do vary. I shopped at the Cokesbury store for a new Book of Resolutions and Discipline.

The mission area always has new brochures for our Mission committee, and of course, I like to purchase an item or two to support the missions of the various countries.

Our new Bishop, Martin McLee, seems very energetic and enthusiastic.

Our Bible Study was lead by Rev. Simeon Law, based on Acts, with the theme, Dismantling Walls, Building the Be-loved Community. It was a great way to start the day.

Rev. Halley Low participated in the Friday morning service, always nice to have a friendly face on the podium. I talked with many other lay members and pastors about things that were or were not working for increasing mem-bership and participation in activities by the membership.

On the last day of Conference there is a ceremony of Ordination, new pastors being brought into our conference, dedicating themselves to the Methodist Church. It’s very moving and a fitting way to return to our own churches, renewed in our faith.

Christine Hoff