September, 2013
Holy Communion
Sunday, September 02, 2013 | 09:30am
Come. Taste and see that the Lord is Good!
Rally Day Pot Luck Picnic and Barbecue
Sunday, September 8, 2013 | after Sunday worship
Our Rally Day Pot Luck Picnic and Barbecue will be held on the Church lawn after Service on Sunday September 8th. Hamburgers, hot dogs, condiments, paper goods, and cake will be provided. Each family is invited to bring a side dish or beverage to share.
The cost is $6.00 per family. You can pay at the door. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall, call the Church Office at 666-7194 by Thursday, September 5th so we know how many people to buy for.
Come and enjoy the summer weather, our beautiful front lawn, and your Church Family. Hope to see you there!
Happy Fall, All
Tom Wilson
Craft Meeting
Sunday, September 11, 2013 | 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Hi Everybody,
It is time once again to start the craft meetings. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday
September the 11th, at 6:30 to 9 PM. We will be meeting every Wednesday starting at 6:30 PM.
Everyone is welcome to join us. Hope to see you then.
Cathy Bernard
Worship committee Meeting
Sunday, September 15, 2013 | After Service
The Worship committee will be meeting after service on September 15, 2013. Location will be announced during service.
We are in need of ushers and lay reader volunteers. If this is something you can do in the upcoming few months please let either Donna Lechner, Christine Hoff or Kim Gosline know. What an easy way to serve our church.
September Church Council Meeting
Sunday, September 22, 2013 | After Service
The September Church Council meeting will be after service at 11:15 on Sunday, September 22nd. The entire congregation is invited to all Church Council meetings.
Lois Fallon, Chairperson