Advent & Christmas Concert Thank you

I just want to express a very heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in last Sunday's Advent and Christmas Music Concert.  It was an incredible afternoon with beautiful music, and I am grateful for all the hard work that went into putting this concert together.  A BIG thank you to our Chamber Choir, Handbell Choir, and Youth Choir. They have been rehearsing since September for this concert, and their hard work and dedication certainly showed. Special thanks to Donna Lechner for all her help with tickets, and assorted items; Hyeonjin Kim for all her help with Powepoint and rehearsal CD's. Thank you to everyone who helped baked and provide refreshments for our intermission. And thank you to Christine Hoff, Greg Goodrich and Pastor Lee for their beautiful readings.

Thank you to all who attended our concert, and purchased tickets. We raised $1,008.00 from our ticket sales (after expenses were deducted). We also received a generous donation from a ticket holder, who appreciated our concert, for $500.00. Making our total $1,5008.00. These monies will be put towards new music and new choir robes, which we are in desperate need of. Thank you again to all. May you all have a very Blessed and Merry Advent and Christmas Season.

With love and appreciation,

Daniel Cafiero

December 9, 2012